Lioka Ranarison Fiderana

<> Full-stack Rust & TypeScript developer </>

~/$ whoami

I am Luckas, an enthusiastic software developer from Madagascar, primarily using Rust and TypeScript. Currently, I am in my third year at ISPM, pursuing a computer science degree. Web development and low-level programming are my main areas of interest, where I enjoy building clean user interfaces and implementing complex application logic. I also contribute to open source; I maintain some Neovim plugins, libraries, and tools.

Besides programming, I have a strong interest in linguistics. I spend most of my free time reading or solving twisty puzzles.

Fun facts:

~/$ neofetch

Name: Lioka Ranarison Fiderana
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 19
OS: Fedora
Shell: zsh
Terminal: kitty
WM: Hyprland
Editor: Neovim
Languages: Rust, TypeScript, Lua

~/$ cat projects.txt

Here is a list of my most relevant open source projects. For an exhaustive list and to see my contributions, you can check out my GitHub profile.

~/$ cat contacts.yml

# You can also reach me on social media